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History File (version 2)

File Name Current Version Date Created
MDraw32P.ocx 2.50.025 09 December 2000

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.025 , 09 December 2000
Change Subject Description


Function ChangeLogicalCoords (ByVal PicLeft As Long, ByVal PicTop As Long, ByVal PicWidth As Long, ByVal PicHeight As Long, ByVal crdType As Integer) As Long

This method changes the range of the logical coordinate system for the main picture while maintaining the logical coordinates of all existing objects.

If PicWidth or PicHeight are zero, MetaDraw calculates these values automatically to maintain the aspect ratio.

Parameter crdType can be a combination of the following values:

  • CRD_PIXELS - coordinates are specified in pixels
  • CRD_SAMEORIG - Do not calculate OrigWidth/OrigHeight automatically. Otherwise original sizes will be increased/decreased according to PicWidth/PicHeight changes.
  • CRD_DONTREMOVE - Do not remove objects that are located outside new picture boundaries.
  • CRD_PARTLY - Remove objects if any part of them lies outside the main picture. (Otherwise only objects fully outside the new range of the picture are removed)

This method returns the number of object that have been removed (or should be removed if CRD_DONTREMOVE is specified).


Object Gradient Fill Style (requires Plus Pack License)

The FillStyle property has been enhanced to offer a a Gradient background to individual image elements in MetaDraw. Objects can have only horizontal gradients For text objects the gradient changes from TextColor to BackColor, For all other objects, the gradient changes from FillColor to BackColor.


With MDrawPro1
.AddObject OT_RECTANGLE, 10, 10, 600, 100
.FillColor = vbRed
.BackColor = vbGreen
.FillStyle = FS_GRADIENT
.AddObject OT_TEXT, 10, 110, 10, 110
.FontSize = 25
.Text = "G R A D I E N T"
.TextColor = vbBlue
.BackColor = vbRed
.FillStyle = FS_GRADIENT
End With

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.024 , 30 November 2000
Change Subject Description


New methods for OVERLAPPING objects (requires Plus Pack License)

ObjectsInRect finds all object in current open container that lie in the specified rectangle and returns the number of such objects.


BMP export

When MetaDraw picture or objects are exported in BMP format they grew in size.



Clipping settings (ClipLeft, ClipWidth) were ignored for all the objects exported after any Text object.

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.023 , 03 November 2000
Change Subject Description


New FillStyle for open objects. (requires Plus Pack License)

A FS_FILLED flag is now supported for the FillStyle property If this flag is combined (OR'd) with the FillStyle value, then non-closed figure (Arc, Polyline, Bezier) will be filled.


To fill an ARC , set

This flag can also be used to draw a frame around text objects (Standard or Bounded) and fill the background.


New LineStyle for open Polygons and Beziers. (requires Plus Pack License)

A PS_CLOSED flag is now supported for the LineStyle property If LineStyle includes PS_CLOSED flag (OR'd with a valid line style) the object curve (Bezier or Polyline) will be closed (starting and ending points are connected).


Merging Points in PolyLines / PolyGons

MetaDraw can now eliminate unnecessary points in Polygons and PolyLines.
If the SetParams method is called for Polyline or Polygone object and the first two parameters are zero, then points that meet the following conditions will be removed:

a. The X/Y coordinates are the same as the previous point.
b. The Point lies on a line determined by two previous points.


Lines in Rotated Container

After ungrouping a rotated container, the rotation angle for ungrouped lines was different from that when they were grouped.

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.022 , Internal Build only

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.021 , 30 October 2000
Change Subject Description


Link Labels (use of Link Lables requires Plus Pack License)

If Link has a label the label will be automatically deleted if the link is deleted.


Drawing of Bezier Objects (Bezier Curve support requires Plus Pack License)

A New Edit mode has been created for drawing Bezier curves

MetaDraw.EditMode = ED_BEZIER ' ( = 14 )
It is possible to create a bezier curve in this mode.

By default, a new bezier object is initially added as a set of straight lines, you can also double-click on Bezier it to edit curves.

If EFLG_POLYFREEHAND flag is set in EditFlags property you may add several segments of Bezier curves (on each left mouse button click). If this flag is not set, only one segment will be added (editting is finished on mouse up).

It is possible to add/remove segments from Bezier curve (as it is done in polygon object). In editing bezier mode click the left mouse button on the point you want to delete and press the BackSpace key (whole segment that includes this point will be deleted).


Text Object Styles (TXT_BOXED style requires Plus Pack License)

A New style for text objects - TXT_BOXED is now supported TXT_BOXED style is similar to TXT_MULTILINE, but text is a single line (not word-wrapped). MetaDraw.TextStyle = TXT_BOXED


If either Height or Width of bounding rectangle that is specified in the SetBounds or AddObject methods for Text objects is zero, then MetaDraw calculates height (width) of resulted text automatically according to its FontSize.

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.020 , 02 October 2000
Change Subject Description


Text objects from external applications

Previously MetaDraw could not read text objects in WMF files created in some applications where the text object was saved with height = 0 Now MetaDraw uses the default value for font height is used for such text objects.


Object type conversion (Object type conversion requires Plus Pack License)

The ObjType property is now writable (formerly read-only) This allows converting an object to a similar object of another type. The following objects can be converted now:

Convert from :
- to

Convert from :
- to

You may assign a new object type to the OBJType property and object(s) whose handle is specified in the Current property will be converted to the specified type. An error message will be generated if an object can not be converted.

When an Arc, Pie, Chord are converted to Polyline (Polygon), current visible resolution (depends on PicX/YSize) determines how many points are used for the resulting polyline. So there will be more points in a resulting polyline if the image is zoomed at the time of convesion.

Note that Object Type conversion may not be reversible. It is possible to convert an Arc to a polyline, but it is not possible to convert a polyline back to an Arc.

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.019 , 12 September 2000
Change Subject Description



The EXOPT_USEZOOM flag of the ExportOptions property did not work correctly in builds 17 & 18.

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.018 , 31 August 2000
Change Subject Description


New MetaFile Records supported

Support has been added for the following Metafile Records:

MetaFile (WMF) Enhanced Metafiles (EMF)

Previously EMF files with such records were not supported and loading such a file caused an error.


MetaFiles Files & Transparent bitmaps

Added support for save and load images containing transparent bitmap to WMF and EMF format. Previously this was only supported for Metadraw format files. Note that WMF format does not support true transparent bitmaps, but MetaDraw can represent this in a WMF by superimposing objects.


AddObject - OT_IMAGE

If an image held by the PictureImage property contained only one diagonal line it was sometimes flipped when merging into MetaDraw picture using the AddObject method with OT_IMAGE parameter.


LoadPicture for FillPattern

The LoadPicture method did not automatically determine the picture type when used to set the FillPattern



Rotating a bitmap object with a shadow incorrectly rotated the shadow more than the bitmap.

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.017 , 12 June 2000
Change Subject Description


Text objects

A new status flag for text objects was added Including OS_FIXEDBORDER in the ObjStatus property forces borders of a multi-line text object to remain fixed. Otherwise, borders will be automatically adjusted when edited text is too large for the existing border. (If text shrinks, borders are not changed. They are changed only when text caret goes outside the borders during editing) By default this flag is NOT set.



When rotating a non-transparent bitmap which has a shadow, the shadow was rotated by twice as much as the bitmap.
(NOTE - use of ObjectShadows requires Plus Pack Licnese)



There was an error in printing of Text objects as a result of changes in build 2.50.15


Multi-Line Text Objects

The UpperLeft corner of a multiline text border disappeared when fillcolor of the text object is changed.


ScrollMouse property

The enhancement to the ScrollMouse property introduced in build 2.5.13 - Setting ScrollMouse to TRUE caused a license message for users without Plus Pack license. This has been fixed. The old setting of True may again be used by all MetaDraw 2 developers. New settings introduced in 2.5.13 require PlusPack license.

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.016 , 12 May 2000
Change Subject Description


Clipboard - Text objects

Text objects with TXT_MULTILINE or TXT_BOUNDED style were incorrectly copied to the Clipboard.



Default settings for SetLinkPoint method were incorrectly set in build 2.5.015 resulting in a Backward compatibility problem. Now correctly backward compatible with older builds.



The ObjectsHitTest method did not work on chord object (for chords spanning more than 180 degrees).



Using CRD_ADD flag in SetParams method added new points with wrong coordinates.

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.015 , 13 April 2000
Change Subject Description



Performance was optimized to signficantly increase the speed of setting object attributes for complex images composed of many objects.


EXOPT_USEZOOM in ExportOptions

The EXOPT_USEZOOM flag of the ExportOptions property was ignored when exporting pictures (using the Picture, PictureClip and ExportDC properties).



MetaDraw did not create correct palette for bitmap objects with more than 256 colors (black rectangle appeared instead of bitmap).



Using the LNK_BOTH constant in the SetLinkPoint method caused a run-time error.


Exporting Links

When only a part of a MetaDraw picture was exported (copy to clipboard, copy to PictureImage property,..) the selected links were exported incorrectly.


Embedded Solid Images in EMF files (Win 9x)

Under Win9x Metadraw didn't draw solid objects (metafiles imported as a single object) correctly. All objects above solid objects disappeared.



In Rotate mode, moving the center of Rotation left a black track when being moved.



A rotating object was aligned to grid when GridAlign = False and was not aligned when GridAlign = True. Rotation mode behavior has been changed Rotation is now independent of grid alignment settings.



Resulting rotation angle for Text object was incorrect if it was set via the ObjRotation property for an non-proportional picture.



After a polygon had been flipped it was impossible to rotate it correctly by setting Action to ACT_ROTATELEFT or ACT_ROTATERIGHT.


Deleting Points

An error ("One or more parameters are invalid") occured when deleting some points from polyline by SetParams method.


EMF File

After saving a bitmap into .EMF file with specified clip options, EMF was reloaded not as clipped but as shrunk.



"Unregistered" messages appeared during run-time in FoxPro environment. Everything was OK during design time. FoxPro runtime module always reads all properties when being loaded. But without MetaDraw PlusPack license some properties cannot be read, so a license warning was displayed. This warning has been removed for FoxPro users (PICOPT_FOXPROFORM).

MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.014 , 01 March 2000
Change Subject Description


Add DimLines (requires Plus Pack License)

New edit mode was implemented - Add DimLines.
There is new constant for the EditMode property:

  • ED_DIMLINE = 22
In this mode users can create dimension lines using the mouse.


FoxPro Support

We added special flag, PICOPT_FOXPROFORM (= 2048), for the PictureOptions property. This flag should be set when MetaDraw is used in FoxPro environment to avoid scrolling and refreshing problems.

When this flag is set MetaDraw can not be used as a container for other controls - the SimpleFrameSite pointer is destroyed to avoid passing messages to the container where the MetaDraw control is inserted. This limitation is required because FoxPro has an error and does not correctly support controls with SimpleFrame flag


Mouse Wheel (requires Plus Pack License)

Now it is possible to scroll MetaDraw picture using mouse wheel. Rotating the mouse wheel will scroll the picture vertically. Holding the SHIFT key allows to scroll picture horizontally.

It is also possible to change zoom state with mouse wheel. Rotating the mouse wheel with pressed CTRL key will zoom the MetaDraw picture in/out . Mouse wheel works fine under WinNT/Win98. Under Win95 in VB environment users have to use special control that catches Windows Messages and passes them to focused window (MSH_MOUSEWHEEL message is never passed to child control on VB form).

New flags for the ScrollMouse property were added to enable/disable wheel scrolling.

  • SCR_WHEEL = 32 - Enables scrolling with mouse wheel.
  • SCR_WHEELZOOM = 64 - Enables zooming with mouse wheel.

Old settings continue to be supported and do not require Plus Pack licnese:

  • SCR_NONE (=0): Mouse scrolling is disabled.
  • SCR_RIGHT (=1): Scroll picture while the right mouse button is pressed and mouse is dragging (default value).
  • SCR_MIDDLE (=2): Scroll picture while the middle mouse button is pressed and mouse is dragging .
  • SCR_LEFT (=8): Scroll picture while the left mouse button is pressed and mouse is dragging .
  • By default scrolling with mouse wheel is disabled.

    A New event is also supported

    Sub MDrawPro_MouseWheel (ByVal Button As Integer,
    ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal Delta As Integer,
    ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    This event will be always generated when mouse wheel is rotated. This allows the application customized control over MouseWheel support.


    Text labels (LinkLabel property) (requires Plus Pack License)

    Text labels (LinkLabel property) are now supported for LINE and DIMLINE objects.They may be assigned in the same way as setting labels for LINK objects, by setting SetLinkLabel(object),where (object) (or .Current) can be LINK, LINE or DIMLINE.

    A new object status flag, OS_LABELANGLE, has been added to the OBJSTATUS property. When this flag is set for a text label, the rotation angle of the text will be relative to associated line, linkline or dimension line. Otherwise, the rotation angle is relative to parent container.


    GetParamsEx and SetParams methods

    GetParamsEx and SetParams methods were changed to support VARIANT arrays.


    OnHotSpot event

    An Access violation error occurred in the OnHotSpot event if the .Current property contained a reserved handle such as OBJ_SELECTED, or OBJ_CONT_MAIN.


    Sector rotation

    Error in Sector rotation (invalid redrawing). There was a problem in mouse rotation of sectors.


    Current property

    The .Current property was not properly set to OBJ_SELECTED when several links are created at a time.

    Link creation behavior has been change
    The CreateLink method:

    1. Creates link(s) between objects (as specified by parameters);
    2. Drops selection of all previously selected objects;
    3. Sets selection flag for all new links;
    4. Sets the Current property to:
      - the handle of new link if only one link has been created
      - or to OBJ_SELECTED when more then one links have been created.


    Change event

    The Change event is now fired when objects are been rotated.
    A constant has been defined for C_ChangeType enumeration:



    link styles (requires Plus Pack License)

    New link styles were added:

    |----- 8 - Perpendicular line
    |<--- 9 - Perpendicular line with arrow

    The following constants were added to OCX:

    • LS_PERLINE = 8
    • LS_PERARROW = 9


    Arc objects

    MetaDraw incorrectly converted Arc objects to Polylines (When Arc whose start and end point are the same is converted to polyline, it will be a circle instead of a point).



    Pictures saved to Enh.metafile (PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE) did not retain picture coordinates (logical coordinates and original sizes).



    When ungrouping a rotated container that contains line objects the line objects were rotated twice.


    ObjCount property

    When reading the ObjCount property with OBJ_CONT_MAIN parameter the total number of objects returned did not correctly include the objects within groups.

    MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.012 , 12 January 2000
    Change Subject Description


    Picture Property

    Resetting the main picture (picture property) inside the HitObject event caused GPF in some situations.


    Object Tags

    Memory leaks which occurred when exporting metafiles containing object tags and when reading the ObjTag property.


    MousePointer property

    Missing constant definitions for the MousePointer property were added.



    Cursor is flickering when it is moving over hotspots objects.


    Action Property

    Duplicating of the main container (using .Action = ACT_DUPLICATE) caused a Stack Overflow error.

    MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.011 , 14 December 1999
    Change Subject Description


    New Properties

    MetaDraw now supports SetViewportOrg, SetViewportExt, SaveDc, and RestoreDc metafile records.


    Arc objects

    it is now possible to rotate Arc objects under Win95. (it was previously possible only under Win NT and 98).


    DXF (applies to DXF license holders only)

    Support for insertion of Multilevel block when reading DXF files


    Compiling .EXE

    Under RARE circumstances VB 6 applications could GPF due to a change in the VB exception handling - This only happened for EXE's compiled with VB 6, loading a metafile containing text objects where the font name for the text object is not properly registered on the system.


    WMF/EMF files

    Loading WMF/EMF files with negative extents destroyed the image if it contained ARC objects


    Picture Attributes

    When loading a new bitmap picture to MetaDraw, the picture attributes such as DrawMode are reset to default values.

    This occurs when loading to any picture property and resets all attribute properties (Colors, Styles, Widths, Font, DrawMode, ...) before loading a bitmap.

    In past if DrawMode is set to R2_MaskPen and a bitmap was loaded the DrawMode would be unchanged and this caused errors in display of the image


    Text Editing

    The Delete key incorrectly deleted the character before the caret.

    MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.010 , 02 December 1999
    Change Subject Description


    Fill Pattern

    Tiled fill pattern support for Win95. Now if a large bitmap is assigned as fill pattern for an object, it will be correctly shown (with full size) even under Win95.


    Text objects

    Text objects saved to WMF file sometimes change their positions when reloading the file.


    Link Attributes

    Setting Link attributes with LNK_BOTH parameter caused GPF.


    HitTestObject Method

    The HitTestObject method for PolyPolygon object did not work correctly.


    Object Type (Requires Plus Pack licnese)

    The constant OT_DIMLINE (= 22) is now included in MetaDraw


    EditFlags property

    Setting the EditFlags property to -1 (default value) caused a license warning for non-PlusPack users. This corrects an error accidentally introduced in build 2.5.08 which was not generally released.



    MS VC++ [5.0/6.0] crashed when MetaDraw control was added to a dialog window in Demonstration mode (Prior to License purchase)



    When saving objects to a metafile (WMF) some objects lost their pen attributes.


    Text Editing

    Delele char in text editing (Del key) worked wrong - char before caret was deleted.

    MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.009 , 03 November 1999
    Change Subject Description


    Rotation Point by mouse

    It is now possible for the end-user to rotate objects (in ED_ROTATE mode) around any specified point.


    FreeHand operation (internal build 008 10/18) (Requires PLUS PACK License)

    A new flag, EFLG_POLYFREEHAND, has been added to the EditFlags property.

    When the EFLG_POLYFREEHAND flag is set (Default)

    • End-user drawning of PolyLine & Polygon objects is unchanged.
    • The user clicks to set starting point.
    • Each mouse click then adds a straight line segment, Holding down the left mouse button allows freehand drawing.
    • Holding down the Shift Key while holding the left mouse button draws straight lines. Holding down the ALT key forces such lines to vertical or horizontal.
    • The user must Double Click to complete the object.
    When the EFLG_POLYFREEHAND flag is NOT set
    • MetaDraw completes new Polyline and Polygon objects on the first Mouse Up.
    • Thus the user does not need to double click to complete the object.
    • The user can hold the Shift key to force straight lines,It is not possible to force Vertical / Horizontal lines in this mode.


    Mouse Scrolling

    Build 2.5.007 incorrectly handled right-mouse scrolling for a ScrollMouse setting of -1.


    Text Objects

    There was an error while saving Bounded text objects into WMF files.


    Text Objects

    handling of DBCS Support for MultiLine text objects. (MetaDraw still does NOT support In-Place editing of DBCS characters, or Bounded Text Style for DBCS characters).

    MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.007 , 12 October 1999
    Change Subject Description



    Metafile objects consisting of only one single polyline or polygon object did not display properly when inserted using the AddObject OT_IMAGE method.


    DXF - TEXT attributes

    TEXT attributes (fontName, bold, italic, underline) are now recognized in MTEXT records when reading a DXF file. This is only relevant for users with DXF license support


    FindObjectTags Method

    The FindObjectTags Method may now be used to search for objects based upon characteristics independantantly of a specific tag.

    The method will now ignore tags when searching if the tag value in method call is empty.

    For example:

    ' Find the first object whose OS_WEBURL flag is set.
    FindObjectTags("*", "", FND_FIRST + OS_WEBURL)


    Export Options property

    EXOPT_VISIBLE flag use when saving pictures. With the EXOPT_VISIBLE flag bit set in the Export Options property, MetaDraw will only export visible objects images when using the SavePicture method with, Picture, PictureImage and PictureClip properties (for .BMP, .WMF, .EMF, .ICO formats)


    ScrollMouse property

    MetaDraw now supports the use of scroll wheels on a mouse for scrolling the image.

    The ScrollMouse property has been changed from a Boolean value to an integer which can be set as a bitwise mask. Bit values for the flag are :

    1 - Scrolling/Dragging with right mouse button
    2 - Dragging/Scrolling with middle mouse button
    4 - Inversion of Scrolling/Dragging for right/middle button
    8 - Dragging with left mouse button (works only in ED_VIEW mode)
    16 - Scrolling with left mouse button (works only in ED_VIEW mode)


    GetParams / GetBounds

    The GetParms and GetBounds methods have been enhanced with the introduction of a new optional flag which can be included in the last parameter of these methods. Setting the CRD_ROTATED flag instructs MetaDraw to return parameters or boundries of an object as it is shown rotated in the image. If this flag is not set in the GetParams or GetBounds method, these methods will work as in the past and will return data for the object in an unrotated state).


    WMF/EMF files

    When saving an image containing MetaDraw links to a WMF or EMF format file the elements making up the link are now saved in a container. Thus although these file formats do not allow preservation of the full information about a link, such a file read back will still allow the line and arrow head to be treated as a unit.

    MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.006 , 28 September 1999
    Change Subject Description


    Scrolling picture while moving/resizing objects

    MetaDraw can now automatically scroll when the end-user is dragging/resizing an object within the overall image.

    When EFLG_DONTSCROLL is cleared (not set) in EditFlags property MetaDraw will scroll the picture when the object or object's marker is moved outside the client window. MDrawPro1.EditFlags = MdrawPro1.EditFlags and not EFLG_DONTSCROLL

    When set - (default) MetaDraw behaves as in the past, picture does not scroll when dragging internal objects.

    MDrawPro1.EditFlags = MdrawPro1.EditFlags or EFLG_DONTSCROLL


    REDRAW property

    Setting the Redraw Property to false incorrectly caused MetaDraw to immediately update the image. This has been corrected.


    Text Objects

    While editing text objects (adding/removing characters), sometimes size of text was changed.


    LoadData method

    The LoadData method did not work when a picture contained a solid metafile.


    PictureClip property

    After assigning certain metafiles (metafiles containing only one object) to the PictureClip property, the Current property had an undefined value.



    Certain Metafiles were not visible after merging them into the main picture by use of the AddObject OT_IMAGE method. This problem occurred for MetaFiles made up of only a single polyline or polygon object

    MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.005 , 15 September 1999
    Change Subject Description


    EMF Objects

    MetaDraw is now able to extract the rotation angle for some objects when loading an .EMF file.


    New method

    New method for palette creating for DIB images was implemented.


    EditFlags property

    EditFlags property supports a new flag: EFLG_EDITSHAPE

    When EFLG_EDITSHAPE is set in EditFlags property MetaDraw draws yellow markers for end-user to edit shapes for RoundedRectangle, Arc, Sector, and Chord objects. Previously MetaDraw behaved as if this flag was always set, now it is possible to turn this feature off.


    ExportOptions property

    ExportOptions property supports a new flag: EXOPT_VISIBLE

    When EXOPT_VISIBLE is set in ExportOptions property, MetaDraw will Print only objects whose Visible flag is set. Otherwise it will export all objects. By default this flag is off.


    Object Shadows

    * * * Still In Test * * *

    AS OF 15 SEPT 99 Object Shadows are included within the MDraw32P.OCX - But they are NOT YET SUPPORTED (still in test)

    * * * REQUIRES PlusPack License * * *

    Object Shadow support requires PlusPack License

    MetaDraw Object Shadows present a colored shadow offset from an object within a MetaDraw image. When Exporting to WMF, EMF, or DXF files, Object Shadows are._____________

    ObjShadow property: Specifies the type of shadow for an object
    0 - None
    1 - Transparent Shadow
    2 - Solid Color Shadow (see ObjShadow Color property)

    ObjShadowColor - specifies the shadow color
    ObjShadowOfsX -\
    ObjShadowOfsY -/ Specify object's shadow offsets (in logical units)


    Sample Code Change

    Changes in VB sample code for Lighters, Drag&Drop, and Viewer projects. References to the THREED32.OCX were removed from these samples.



    Links were not redrawn correctly when the corresponding objects were flipped, polyline points were moved, or sector shape was changed.



    Links to Rounded Rectangle sometimes caused a GPF.


    Loading Files

    Error when loading a metafile which contains sector objects.



    Saving/Loading a picture to/from a metafile (WMF format) caused some objects to grow in size.



    There was a black rectangle around rotated bitmaps when its DrawMode was not COPYPEN.


    DXF Files

    Error when reading complex POLYLINE records from DXF file (when the polyline contains curves).



    The FindObjectTags method previously ignored all object tags whose type was not string.


    Selection Rectangle

    It was previously impossible to use selection rectangle to select several objects inside an opened container.


    Text Objects

    Some text objects were squeezed when loading a MetaFile (WMF format).


    Default Attributes

    MetaDraw's default attributes (eg: fontsize, linewidth, for next new object ) were previously changed after loading metafiles or DXF files.


    Loading of DXF Files

    Fixed an error in loading of DXF files. Some BLOCK commands were interpreted incorrectly, so the block was inserted in wrong place.


    HitTestObject function

    A bug in the HitTestObject function was fixed for RoundedRect object. Under Win95 MetaDraw caused a GPF in EditMode selecting/deselecting a round rectangle whose shape was changed.


    Text Objects

    For bounded text objects, when the width of bounding rectangle is smaller than the original (1:1 zoom) text string width, the placement of characters was not calculated correctly.


    AddObject method

    The AddObject method incorrectly set the size of a bitmap image (from the PictureImage property) inserted as OT_Image if the specified height and width were 0. Now MetaDraw inserts the image with default sizes in this case.

    MDraw32P.ocx update 2.50.004 , 11 July 1999
    Change Subject Description


    ED_Rotate mode

    MetaDraw does not allow end-user resizing while in ED_Rotate mode. Previously it was possible to RESIZE an object in MetaDraw while in ED_ROTATE mode, if one clicked in exactly the right place - where one of the Resize markers WOULD BE if you were in ED_EDIT mode.


    PictureOptions property

    The PictureOptions property now supports a new flag: PICOPT_DXFDEFAULTLIMITS (=512 or &H200)

    This flag instructs MetaDraw to recalculate the size of picture during loading to guarantee that all the objects are visible. Because it can override some CAD settings for picture layout this flag is optional.

    Note that this flag is not set in HSEditor and so HSEditor does not support certain DXF files

    Copyright© 2003 Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.